

travbuddy.com is a social networking Web site specializing in connecting travellers. The site was created by brothers Eric Bjorndahl and David Bjorndahl and launched in 2005 by TravBuddy LLC, a privately owned company. The site's early innovations include the use of the Google Maps API as part of the site's graphical interface.

The site allows users to find travel buddies, create travel based blogs, upload travel photos and to review bars, restaurants, hotels and attractions.

As of August 2007, the site has nearly 1,000,000 registered contributors.[1].

As of August 2007, the site provided free access to over 12,000 blogs, 9,000 travel reviews, and 300,000 travel photos.[2]

Since its launch, the site has been featured in several TV, print, and online news sources, including the NBC Nightly News, ZDnet.com, ABC News, KABC Radio, the Florida Sun-Sentinel, the Indianapolis Star, the Herald Tribune, the Palos Verdes Peninsula News, and Web User UK

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